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Public Space Excludes Homeless Workers in Japan: Regulating the
“Recyclers” for Hegemonic Habitat
Mahito Hayashi


ahito Hayashi
Corporate Packaged Food in Slums: Market and Meanings in the Filipino
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The Irony of Facilitation in Participatory Development: A Case Study of a
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Social Engineering of a Private Creative City in Johannesburg: Structural
Injustice Generated by Neoliberal Governmentality
Yohei Miyauchi


Diverging Paths: Work and Associational Lives of Filipina Marriage
Migrants in South Korea
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Documenting the Undocumented: State Identification of Non-nationals in
Street-level Bureaucracy in Post-war Japan
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Japanese ‘Comfort Women’ as a Feminist Theme
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Issues for the Future Study of Filipino Immigrants in Japan: A Review of
Literature since the 2000’s
Sachi Takahata


Editorial Philosophy
Affirming Theory and Dynamic Theory
Institute of Social Theory and Dynamics

Author Guidelines / Submission of Manuscript

